I love to read, for years I never went anywhere without a book clutched in my hands. Lately I read mostly to learn new things, so I get a lot of Non-Fiction. One Fiction book that I read and really Enjoyed lately was "Duane's Depressed" by Larry McMurtry It is the third book in the series started by "The Last Picture Show" and continued in "Texasville". Texasville is still my favorite book, and I think I have read it ten times. Make sure you read them in order to fully appreciate them. |
There are a few authors that I read everything by, Michael Crichton and Michael Grisham mainly, but Crichton hasn't done anything since 96's Airframe, and Grisham has sucked since 95's The Runaway Jury. so I pretty much stick to the Nonfiction, and Humor books too. I Love anything that Al Franken writes, George Carlin's Brain Droppings is great for a quick laugh, and Steve Martin's Pure Drivel is a masterwork. |