I could easily make 7000 pages about things I love about movies, but if you know me at all you have been bored to death by me on this subject several times, so on this page I am going to hit the highlights. And keep it fairly plain |
My Favorite Movie |
It is a little film called "Let it ride" Starring Richard Dreyfus, I could watch this great little movie every day and not get sick of it. This is the kind of move that makes you feel good every time you see it. I hope I can make one like this someday. |
Why you should ALWAYS get the WIDESCREEN version |
Do you like not seeing everything you paid for? Is someone paid you with half a $20 bill, would you just take it and be happy? Of course not! But this is what you are doing when you dont Demand Letterbox and Widescreen presentation for your home viewing. Pan and Scan is like robbing you. |
Laserdisc vs. DVD and both vs. VHS |
I will admit that I love laserdiscs, but I also must admit that thier prime is past now :-(. But that doesnt mean that I am going to chuck 'em or replace them. DVD has it's advantages, but honestly if I want better picture and sound, my money would still be on LD. But even the most poorly mastered DVD or LD is better than the most superior VHS cassette tape. |
Best Silent Film |
This is a close one but D.W. Griffith's Intolerance comes a close second to Fritz Lang's Metropolis. And not just any version, but the Georgio Moroder version, on Vestron Video, its hard to find but worth a look. |
Best Musical |
Evita, hands down. No other film has left me breathless the way this one did. |
Favorite Musical |
1776, I have spent more time learning about this film than any other, and it is truly an amazing story, and a great film too, if at all possible find the long version, were talking 40 minutes difference, not just little trims. whole songs were removed... Now that I think about it I am going to add a 1776 page to this site in the future... |
Favorite Directors |
Since this is what I want to be, I have developed some professional heroes. In no particular order - Brian DePalma, Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, Paul Thomas Anderson, Danny DeVito, D.W. Griffith, Fritz Lang, Alan Parker, Albert Brooks, John Hughes, Harold Ramis, Sydney Pollack, Michael Crichton, Colin Higgins, Michael Moore, Rene Clair, Juzo Itami, Jon Amiel, Luis Brunuel, John Waters, and I know I am leaving some out, but I will just have to keep updating :-) |
I know I said this would be short, but compared to 7000 pages... |
I almost forgot... Hi Charlie! |