There can be no high civilization where there is not ample leisure. -- Henry Ward Beecher |
I Love TV. Yes This is ABC's slogan (We Love TV actually) but it fits me very well thank you. Unlike movies, TV is more varied, it can entertain, it can educate, and it can be the best medicine. I know there were times I was angry or sad or whatever, and just needed to calm down. All I needed to do was sit down and watch some Bob Newhart Show, and I was feeling a whole lot better In no time! |
Shows I like to watch everyday, well, except they aren't on Saturday and Sunday. Also what network and staton they air on and the time of day (These are most helpful if you are near Chicago, obviously, otherwise you will need to crack out the TV Guide to find 'em |
One Life To Live - ABC (7) - 1 pm CT |
Jepoardy! - Syndicated (7) - 3:30 pm |
Judge Judy - Syndicated (50) - 3, 6:30 pm |
The Simpsons Reruns - Syndicated (32) - 5:30, 6, 10 pm |
Seinfeld Reruns - Syndicated (32) - 6:30 pm |
Frasier Reruns - Syndicated (32) - 10:30 pm -OR- |
Nightline - ABC (7) - 10:35 pm |
Politically Incorrect - ABC (7) - 12:05 am |
NewsRadio Reruns - Syndicated (50) - 12:30am |
As if it wasnt bad enough some shows miss Saturday and Sunday, some are only shown weekly! Here's what I watch: |
- Mondays - |
Everybody Loves Raymond - CBS (2) - 8 pm |
20/20 - ABC (7) - 9 pm |
- Tuesdays - |
Just Shoot Me - NBC (5) - 7 pm |
NewsRadio - NBC (5) - 7:30 pm |
Just Shoot Me - NBC (5) - 8 pm -OR- |
Spin City - ABC (7) - 8 pm |
Sports Night - ABC (7) - 8:30 pm |
- Wednesdays - |
Dharma and Greg - ABC (7) - 7 pm |
it's like, you know - ABC (7) - 7:30 pm |
The Drew Carey Show - ABC (7) - 8 pm |
The Norm Show - ABC (7) - 8:30 pm |
20/20 - ABC (7) - 9 pm |
- Thursdays - |
Frasier - NBC (5) - 8 pm |
- Fridays - |
20/20 - ABC (7) - 9pm |
- Saturdays - |
Always something good on PBS, all other channels are riddled with Sports, so light viewing day. |
- Sundays - |
This Week with Donaldson and Roberts - ABC (7) - 10 am |
Face the Nation - CBS (2) - 11 am |
The Practice - ABC (7) - 9 pm |
And there is so much more Online! You can see the latest schedule changes (this will be out of date by next week, of course) at the ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS websites, and also check out my own little One Life To Live page, I am so into this show it is not even funny, And with the launch of the new Sops Channel by ABC, you will all be able to see One Life in PRIME TIME (7-10 CT) Yippeee! :-) |